About Me

Hey there! I'm Muhtadi, a passionate Mobile App Developer with expertise in creating iOS and Android applications. With a strong foundation in Flutter and a keen eye for UI/UX design, I build performant and beautiful applications that work seamlessly across multiple platforms.

Developer Profile
  • Experience

    8+ years of experience in mobile app development with a focus on Flutter for the last 4 years.

  • Education

    Bachelor's degree in Computer Science with specialization in Mobile Application Development.

  • Skills

    Flutter, Dart, Firebase, Supabase, RESTful APIs, State Management (Provider, Bloc, Riverpod), CI/CD, Git

  • Additional Skills

    Backend Development: Express.js, Node.js, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, RESTful API design

What is Flutter?

Flutter is Google's UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.

What Flutter Can Do

  • Cross-Platform Development

    Build apps for iOS, Android, web, Windows, macOS, and Linux from a single codebase, reducing development time and costs.

  • Fast Development

    Hot reload feature allows you to see changes instantly without losing the current state of the app, making development faster and more efficient.

  • Expressive UI

    Create beautiful, custom user interfaces with Flutter's rich set of widgets that follow Material Design and Cupertino (iOS) guidelines.

  • Native Performance

    Flutter compiles to native ARM code, ensuring high performance on both iOS and Android platforms.

Flutter Framework

My Projects

Check out some of the Flutter applications I've developed for mobile platforms.

JogjaLowker is the leading job vacancy information portal in Jogja, with hundreds of thousands of job seekers and collaborations with thousands of companies.
Charo - AI Dating Assistant
Charo - AI Dating Assistant
Charo is a French AI-driven dating assistant providing auto-generated tips and advice based on user conversation screenshots.
Tracegrid Mobile
Tracegrid Mobile
TraceGrid is a fleet management app that enables real-time tracking of vehicle locations, fuel usage, tachograph data, and fleet statistics. It helps users monitor operations efficiently and make informed decisions.
BTP Ranger
BTP Ranger
BTP Ranger helps parents monitor their children's activities in school. I worked on Firebase integration, real-time updates, and ensured smooth data handling using the Provider package
GAMA-AIMS is a psychiatric intervention app for medical students dealing with anxiety. I was responsible for implementing the mental health intervention features and managing user sessions with Provider for optimal performance
Hyppe is a local social media platform that offers a new way for urban youth to share their moments. I contributed by integrating AR features and managing state using the Provider package.

Get In Touch

Interested in working together? Feel free to reach out to discuss your project.

Contact Information

Feel free to reach out through any of the following channels:

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